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College of Agriculture, Food and Environment

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Creating positive community change through 4-H clubs

Creating positive community change through 4-H clubs

Creating positive community change through 4-H clubs

Published on May. 2, 2019

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Source: Jennifer Tackett, 4-H youth development specialist

Joining a local 4-H club can be a young person’s first experience with the youth organization. Our club leaders, volunteers and 4-H youth development extension agents work hard to ensure positive club experiences for all youth. We want 4-H members to feel a sense of belonging in their club of choice while equipping them with necessary life skills to become productive, contributing members of their communities.

4-H clubs must have at least five members from at least three different families. Clubs can be about anything that a particular group is interested in and most meet monthly.  Within the club, 4-H members place their peers in leadership roles.

Depending on the type of club a young person chooses to join, they may be learning or working toward mastering a skill. A club is a great way for young people to meet others who share an interest in a particular skill or topic. As they master these skills, they may use the skills to create a project to enter in a local 4-H competition.

Teaching young people compassion and generosity is an important part of 4-H youth development, so it’s natural that many of our clubs also have a community service component. In clubs, 4-H’ers may decide to tackle a particular community problem and then approach or partner with local leaders to solve it. In the process, the young people learn about civic engagement and the inner workings of local governments. They also gain confidence in their abilities and a sense of pride in a job well done.

For more information on how to get involved with a local 4-H club, contact the (COUNTY NAME) Extension office.

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Contact Information

Agricultural Communications Services
College of Agriculture, Food and Environment

131 Scovell Hall 115 Huguelet Drive Lexington, KY 40546-0064