Don't forget! You can still compost in winter
Published on Feb. 2, 2022
Don’t forget! You can still compost in winter
Source: Faye Kuosman, UK extension horticulture agent
Now that winter is here, are you continuing to compost? Some people give up the exercise in winter due to cold temperatures and will resume again in the spring when it warms up. Just because it is cold outside, you probably still have plenty of compostable kitchen items, and you can continue to successfully compost in winter regardless of the temperature.
Composting provides you with a rich, organic material to spread on your soil to aid in crop growth. Since many compostable items come from leftover food scraps, you are reducing your environmental footprint by keeping unnecessary trash out of the landfills when you compost.
Even if you are new to composting, you can pick up the practice in winter. The decomposition process obviously slows down when the temperatures drop, but it doesn’t completely come to a halt, or at least not for long. Bacteria, fungi and other microbes, as well as large decomposers like earthworms and insects, will survive year-round in compost piles. They will begin to break down organic matter when things warm up again.
Decomposition will completely stop when everything in a compost pile is frozen. But if your compost pile or bin is large enough, the organic matter inside should stay warm enough to avoid freezing and will allow decomposition to occur, even in winter.
You might want to gather leaves or pine needles in the fall for use in composting. Leaves and pine needles are excellent brown, carbon-rich materials that can improve compost pile aeration and reduce odors. Stockpile leaves in yard waste bags or bins throughout the year for use later in compost. Try to keep leaves from getting wet and matting together. If you don’t have access to large amounts of leaves, try to stockpile other brown materials such as straw, sawdust, woodchips or shredded paper.
It is important to harvest finished compost to make room for the materials you add in winter. Compost can pile up quickly in winter because decomposition is very slow. It is especially important to harvest if you are composting in small bins or tumblers. Compost is ready to use if the original materials are not recognizable and the compost is dark and crumbly with an earthy odor. Compost can be spread on your garden, or saved for use in the spring. It may be helpful to keep the finished compost in containers with lids or cover with a tarp to keep it from getting wet.
Do not worry about turning the compost pile in winter, like you would in the warmer months. Turning it in winter will result in heat loss in the interior of the pile. It will slow the decomposition process. Instead wait until spring to turn the pile when it is completely thawed.
Contact (YOUR COUNTY) office of the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service for information on composting in winter.
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