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‘Together, we grow.’ How to help celebrate National Agriculture Education Week with 4-H

‘Together, we grow.’ How to help celebrate National Agriculture Education Week with 4-H

‘Together, we grow.’ How to help celebrate National Agriculture Education Week with 4-H

Published on Feb. 13, 2025

Source: Carrie Tilghman Derossett, Kentucky 4-H Animal Science and Agriculture Extension Specialist at Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment 

Our communities across Kentucky and beyond are gearing up to celebrate National Ag Week, March 17-21. As part of the weeklong celebration, we are encouraging everyone to recognize and support agriculture’s vital role in fueling our everyday lives.  

For 4-Hers, it’s a great opportunity to learn more about the food and farming community—showing their pride and appreciation for Kentucky’s hard-working agricultural industry. The official theme for this year’s celebration is “Agriculture: Together, We Grow.”  

Here are several ways to help spread the word and help youth share in the celebration:  

  • Take a virtual field trip. Bring the farm and farmers to you through the “Kentucky Farms Feed Me” virtual field trip series at teachkyag.org/kyfarmsfeedme, a program of the Kentucky Agriculture and Environment in the Classroom.
  • Learn more about what’s growing in your county. Check out the Kentucky Food and Farm website at kyfoodandfarm.info info to learn what farmers are growing where you live.
  • Prepare a farm-to-table feast. Serve your family a meal that highlights the quality and abundance of locally grown and raised agriculture products in Kentucky.
  • Share what you know through youth group discussions. At your next 4-H club meeting, talk with your peers about what agriculture means to you and how it affects your community.
  • Explore agricultural career opportunities. Careers in agriculture include a myriad of jobs in food production, agricultural engineering, environmental science, animal nutrition and more. Learning about these career possibilities is a great way to support the industry's future. Visit kyagworks.org for career profiles and job quizzes.
  • Thank a farmer and anyone that contributes to agriculture. Reach out to farmers and anyone you know in your community who impacts this vibrant industry. Express your gratitude for their work and contributions.
  • Spread the word on social media. Your county extension office’s social media pages are an excellent place to find posts you want to share/reshare. With adult guidance, 4-Hers can remind their family and friends online of agriculture's impact on their lives.
  • Participate in the Kentucky Agriculture Poster and Essay Contest. Share what Kentucky agriculture means to them through the written word or colorful artwork. The 2025 theme is “Kentucky Agriculture Makes Me Proud.” Find entry information at kyagr.com/marketing/poster-essay-contest.html.

For more information on Agriculture Education Week, including the history, learning resources and to learn how you can get involved, visit kyagr.com/marketing/ag-education-week.html.

If you are looking for ways to celebrate National Ag Week with the young people in your life, it is easy for everyone to participate. Your county 4-H agent can connect you with agriculture-related learning activities and resources you can use to educate others about agriculture in your community.

Contact your local (COUNTY NAME) Extension office for more information, programs or events going on in your county. 


Educational programs of the Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of economic or social status and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expressions, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, age, veteran status, or physical or mental disability.  

The University of Kentucky Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment news and communications team provides monthly Extension Exclusives in the categories of Horticulture, Agriculture and Natural Resources, 4-H and Family & Consumer Sciences. To see more exclusives, visit https://exclusives.ca.uky.edu.  


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363 Blazer Dining 343 S. Martin Luther King Blvd. Lexington, KY 40526-0012